St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学


安全办公室 & 安全

安全办公室 & 安全 is located on the first floor of Doyle Hall in the heart of campus. We provide around-the-clock protection and assistance for the campus community.

Supervised by the associate dean for student safety, 工作人员执行大学政策以及州和市政法律,以支持全球网赌十大网站.

Blue light and yellow emergency phones are located across campus. Mobility transports and safety escorts are available upon request. 

预防犯罪 & 报告

We believe most crimes are preventable, 因此,我们强调预防犯罪教育,协助介绍预防犯罪培训,并介绍新的预防犯罪方法和项目. 我们努力减少或消除犯罪机会,同时鼓励学生和员工对自己和他人的安全负责.

  • 应急准备


    Omnilert系统会立即向用户发送校园紧急警报,告知任何被认为威胁到学生健康或安全的情况, 他们的父母, 以及大学员工. Omnilert订户门户.

    学生, 教职员工可以通过登录SBU内部网网站全球网赌十大网站大学的应急准备计划, my.在布.edu.

  • 消防安全

    St. 博纳文蒂尔致力于确保校园社区内所有个人的安全.

    我们拥有自己的纽约州法规合规认证和训练有素的消防/生命安全官员, and fire/life safety training is an ongoing and continuing process within residence life.

  • 运输 & 停车

    Owners and operators of motor vehicles on campus are subject to university rules, 规例及指引.


    停车和交通安全的具体指导方针在多伊尔大厅的安全和安保办公室的小册子中概述. With the exception of police and other authorized vehicles, operation of a motor vehicle on campus is restricted to approved roadways only.

    这张地图 displays the 停车 lots on campus and when students can park in their dedicated lots.


  • 加入MERT,我们的学生急救队


    医疗紧急反应小组(MERT)是一个由学生管理的紧急医疗服务(EMS)机构,有40多名成员,24小时待命. 学生志愿者都是纽约州或国家认证的紧急医疗技术人员(EMT-B), or are training to earn the classification. 

    MERT serves the campus population as well as the surrounding community. Its members work with local organizations, volunteering for events held by Special Olympics and the Southern Tier 卫生保健系统. 

    MERT is a great way to gain leadership and medical experience. 


    We're always looking for new members and no prior experience is required. If you want to become part of the team, 下载我们的MERT应用程序 并通过以下方式与我们联系 mert@在布.edu

    In the event of a medical emergency, MERT can be reached (716) 375-2525.